Classic Six Pack 2020 for Uke and U-bass is a printable eBook containing six popular classical pieces arranged for ukulele in two parts and u-bass: Vivaldi's Spring, The Blue Danube, Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, Carmen, Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring, and Pachelbel's Canon in D.

It includes notation with and without tabs, chords and a separate zipped folder full of soundfiles (30Mb) which you can use for reference, to practice with or as accompaniment. The soundfiles are slowish for ease of learning.


COST/BENEFIT: Whether you're talking hours in the gym or premium craft beer, $9.95 is extremely good value for a six pack.
It sets the scene for an uplifting workout, a sense of achievement and the enjoyment of playing music together.


Please note: if ordering from an iPad, you'll need Zipit or similar to open the zipped soundfile folder. And make sure to save the downloaded items.

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