• Ukulele in the Classroom - access to world-renowned free (and paid) resources 
  • James Hill Ukulele Initiative - currently the world's only teacher certification programme
  • I Play Ukulele Book 1 is the study/teaching book for the ANZCA Music Examination for ukulele, established by South Australian music teacher and lifelong uke player Lesley Gentilin.
  • TES, UK-based worldwide teachers network Ukulele lesson resources (ages 7 - 11) - free, downloads (Powerpoint) as well as other great uke teaching resources further down the page. 
  • Australian-based Rainbow Music has a 'Ukulele Wheel' for transposition and other uses, fretboard stickers, charts and songbooks which can be purchased for use in teaching. 
  • Ukulele Go has two great tools: find ukulele chords that sound great together: and nothing but great ukulele chord progressions. They're instant and a wonderful catalyst for songwriting, as well as a helping hand to find missing chord/s from other songs!


I welcome additions to this list if you know of other, quality, schools or adults teaching resources!